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A convenient application to measure your monthly consumption of voice, SMS and data on the 3HK network
- Easy and convenient access to measure monthly data usage (local mobile data only)
- Easy and convenient access to measure monthly voice usage (inter network and intra network)
- Easy and convenient access to measure monthly SMS usage (local only)
- Applicable to iOS 6.0 or above
- The Service Plan Content specified does not include the additional/ free offer Voice Minutes, local wireless data or other content services.
- Please note that the usage details are only an approximation of actual usage, and should be used as a reference only. All items should be referred to your monthly bill.
- The details provided are for local usage only.
- The choice to apply [Data Express service] is available to specific 4G LTE monthly plan customers in the "3Meter" application.

- 方便客戶立即查詢流動數據用量 (只包括本地流動數據用量)
- 方便客戶立即查詢話音通話用量 (只包括本地基本分鐘數及心連心分鐘數用量)
- 方便客戶立即查詢短訊用量 (只包括本地流短訊用量)
- 此程式只適合應用於iOS6.0或以上
- 服務計劃內容並不包括額外申請或於推廣期間贈送之話音通話、流動數據用量或其它服務內容
- 查詢之結果只是未入賬用量之概覽,僅可作參考用途。所有項目均以每月之月結單為準
- 查詢之結果只屬客戶於本地用量的參考。
- 選用指定4G LTE 月費計劃客戶可透過「3Meter 免費應用程式」申請【Data快線服務】